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Behavior Rules

  1. Be Polite and respect others' opinions. Do not insult, be rude, provoke conflicts, or engage in arguments with other users or forum administration.
  2. Do not provoke or participate in political discussions. Do not incite ethnic, racial, religious, or any other form of hatred or hostility. We do not tolerate propaganda, extremism, terrorism, or any other unlawful actions.
  3. Do not disclose or request personal information of other users without their consent. This includes any personal data: name, surname, address, phone number, email, password, card number, etc. We are not responsible for any consequences related to the violation of this rule.
  4. Do not spam, flood, duplicate your messages, or abuse uppercase letters. Strive to write correctly, clearly, and relevantly. Do not deviate from the discussion topic or disrupt other users' communication.
  5. Do not advertise anything on the forum, chat, or tickets, do not post links to other websites or resources, do not behave like a bot or a troll. Do not promote your or others' products unrelated to Neverlose on our Market or elsewhere. We do not allow any commercial activity that is not directly related to our products.
  6. Do not create topics about any financial transactions, sales, exchanges, donations, account transfers, or third-party assets between users. We do not support or control such operations and are not responsible for them.
  7. Do not impersonate project administration representatives or other users. Do not attempt to deceive, hack, or otherwise compromise the forum's security or other users' accounts.
  8. Do not beg, ask other users to give you anything for free or for a symbolic fee.
  9. All your messages must comply with our Terms of Use, Offer, and Privacy Policy, which you accepted when registering on the forum. The administration has the right to delete your message, give you an indefinite chat ban, forum ban, hide (or even delete) an item on the market, and suspend your account if you do not comply with these rules.
  10. Do not impersonate project administration, alpha, beta, nightly, or any other entity. Additionally, it is forbidden to use such titles for any kind of promotional activity. Do not attempt to scam, hack, or disrupt the safety of our forums or others' accounts.

If you have been banned and believe it was unjustified, you can create a [Website Support] ticket with a description of your situation.

For more detailed information about our other rules, please refer to the following documents: